Wynwood Walls
Seeking Council; An Offering (Flower Power)
This painting, inspired by the iconic Flower Power photograph by Bernie Boston, embodies the powerful act of countering violence with peace, symbolized by the offering of flowers. In this work, the beings extend their floral offerings to the Spirits and the Universe, perhaps in search of wisdom or simply in recognition that nature itself holds infinite insight.
Elle used a combination of AI-generated images collaged together for the sketch, spray paint, fire extinguishers and neon to create this piece. Upon closer inspection, viewers might notice a light blue line glowing on one figure's head, part of the hardware of a Tesla Robot. This element speaks to the changing world, as technology becomes increasingly autonomous and interwoven with our lives. Through this juxtaposition, the work suggests that as humanity strides forward, our truest guidance will always reside in the natural world and the boundless universe above.